吉沃运营专员 发表于 2022-12-5 09:15:35

解析 .NET 可执行程序 —— dnfile


[*]便于使用,开发时考虑了 IDE 自动完成功能;

pip install dnfile
然后创建一个简单的程序来加载 .NET 二进制文件、解析它并显示有关流和元数据表的信息。

import sys
import dnfile

filepath = sys.argv

pe = dnfile.dnPE(filepath)
一切都是对象,原始结构值存储在对象的 "struct" 属性中,可以从 dnPE 对象的 "net" 属性访问 CLR 目录条目对象。

import dnfile
import hashlib

pe = dnfile.dnPE(FILEPATH)

# access the directory entry raw structure values

# access the metadata raw structure values

# access the streams
for s in pe.net.metadata.streams_list:
    if isinstance(s, dnfile.stream.MetaDataTables):
      # how many Metadata tables are defined in the binary?
      num_of_tables = len(s.tables_list)

# the last Metadata tables stream can also be accessed by a shortcut
num_of_tables = len(pe.net.mdtables.tables_list)

# create a set to hold the hashes of all resources
res_hash = set()
# access the resources
for r in pe.net.resources:
    # if resource data is a simple byte stream
    if isinstance(r.data, bytes):
      # hash it and add the hash to the set
    # if resource data is a ResourceSet, a dotnet-specific datatype
    elif isinstance(r.data, dnfile.resource.ResourceSet):
      # if there are no entries
      if not r.data.entries:
            # skip it
      # for each entry in the ResourceSet
      for entry in r.data.entries:
            # if it has data
            if entry.data:
                # hash it and add the hash to the set
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